DivineCloud can be used to manage servers located in any public cloud or private data centers. There are few public cloud providers, that DivineCloud has good integration with to make it seamless to on-board all the server details into DivineCloud. This section refers to servers located in one or more of the following public clouds with which DivineCloud has good integration from on-boarding perspective:

  • AWS
  • Digital Ocean
  • Google Compute Cloud
  • Linode
  • Rackspace

Note : For servers located in public clouds not in the list above, please refer to the On-boarding Servers section instead. For cloud providers, not listed above, the on-boarding servers section provides an easy approach to on-board the servers.

Please make sure you have read the On-boarding guide section first, before proceeding with this section.

To on-board servers, located in one of the public cloud listed above, we need to do the following:

  • 1. Go to Nodes -> Create a new (+) inventory -> Provide Inventory Name -> select "Associate with Public Cloud" option
  • 2. Choose from one of the public cloud shown in the form
  • 3. Provide the access details for accessing the selected cloud account
  • 4. Select Next -> This will bring up a list of all the Servers accessible from the selected cloud account.
  • 5. Provide additional information as requested. Example: Node Display ID, Credentials, Tag Name, Stack Name
  • 6. Select Save
  • 7. Ping Inventory to ensure DivineCloud can connect successfully to all the servers for selected inventory.

Once the above steps are completed, all the servers from the selected cloud account will be successfully on-boarded into DivineCloud.

In next few sections, we will show screenshot and on-boarding details for each public cloud provider listed above.